Monday, May 16, 2022

Five Months to Pet the Yarn!


That's right!

From the middle of May to the middle of September you can choose from eight different times and/or locations to get your hands on the yarn because this week includes all my locations this year.

Unfortunately it seems like Facebook wants to hold onto my pre-market videos until the next day for most viewers. Haven't figured that one out yet so make sure to refer back to my April 25th blog post to get the dates and times for the market(s) closest to you.

Written by Lori, TCL owner, who hopefully won’t be stripped of all her energy with this schedule ;)

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Easing Into It

Saturday's spring market was a roaring success! Thanks to all the customers that checked out the new digs for the first time. I know all my Lacombe customers will be taking advantage of both market days in the coming season.

Thankfully, for me, I get one two-market week followed by a four-market week before we get into full gear in the third week of May. I don't yet know what the wifi connection will be like for the two new locations so please be prepared with cash just in case the card machine chooses not to work.

Because of the new vehicle and layout this year, I keep making discoveries every time I've been out so far this season. Besides finding increasingly better ways to secure the yarn for travel, I've discovered that my A-frame sign loves to hang out bungeed to my front mirror without trying to take off in the wind. I don't need the inside lights on all the time if I have the lift doors open, and BONUS, I have a really great place to hang another sign! Even better, I don't have to remove the sign to operate the lift! Woohoo! Depending on the weather, I may even have some more tricks up my sleeve. Make sure to come visit me to find out what they are. 😉

written by Lori, TCL owner, who's really looking forward to the coming season and hopes you are too!