The question came up at Knit Night last week: "Am I crazy
to have started buying and working on Christmas gifts?"
According to Wikipedia: There are no stupid questions
Carl Sagan, in his work The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark said: "There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question".
A woman, recounting a story about an old man who used to answer all her "stupid questions", explained "Chica, if you ask a question it makes you look stupid for 5 minutes – but if you don't ask – you stay stupid for fifty years, so always ask questions in your life".
A 1970 Dear Abby column in The Milwaukee Sentinel said: "There is no such thing as a stupid question if it's sincere. Better to ask and risk appearing stupid than to continue on your ignorant way and make a stupid mistake.
Colin Powell says: "there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers". Presentation Skills That Will Take You to the Top says within the business world, the adage holds true. The book adds "a question might be uninformed, tangential, or seemingly irrelevant, but, whether the presenter perceives it to be stupid or not, every audience member has every right to ask any sort of question".
I was not aware there are as many variations of this question. Again, according to Wikipedia, this is a popular phase with a long history.
To answer the question, yes - some the Knit Nighters are in the process of and/or have started buying gifts; some have not started. Those who have started shared their top 3 reasons for starting now: budget concerns, time and choice/selection being the next top reason.
I have put in a meat order with our local butcher for some of our festive food, does this count? I am still working on last year's Christmas sweater for my daughter. I have completed two small gifts, with many more requests on the list than I will be able to achieve this year. Part of my excuse is my selfish goal of learning to crochet.
I am currently working on a crocheted cowl. I figure out one row and need help on the next one. Finish that one, and need help for the next. I can complete the stitches, but learning to read and work a pattern is more challenging than I had anticipated. If I am repeating myself, I am sorry. In my naive mind, I thought - I can read a knitting pattern, how hard can this be? Well, let me assure you, I have a lot more respect for people who easily read a crochet pattern and understand it the first time. AND thank goodness for knowledgeable people around me who are willing to walk very slowly beside me.
So, The Crafty Lady is trying to make life a little easier for many of us, with her weekly 75% off sale. This week we are featuring a bright, scrumptiously textured and easy to work with yarn.
51% Bamboo, 37% acrylic, 12% nylon
50 g/165m
Reg. $7.50
75% Off
Posted by Anne, jolly TCL employee who is making progress on her crochet skills and Christmas to do list
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