Monday, September 30, 2019

T'is the Season

Hi, it's Lori, The Crafty Lady
Yup sorry, you get me today.

September is a busy season here at the store: prepping for Creativ Festival in Edmonton and Calgary, bringing in extra staff for the Prairie Fibre Festival at the LMC the Saturday between the big shows. Everybody's working, some are getting run down, and with all the mixed up schedules the blog is late and written by yours truly. ;)

September is also the month when all the students are back at school and our routines seem to get back to normal. Hmm, snow this early shouldn't be normal, but this is Alberta and I won't put anything past her when it comes to weather. But, I also won't complain about the snow. It reminds people that handmade gifts take time and time is running out.

This week's sale is magical yarn because it can be used two different ways. It can be a super bulky (i.e. warm) multicoloured masculine scarf or a frilly feminine scarf. I've also seen it used as trims on purses and little girls' skirts.  So, he-e-e-ere's Frilly!

Regular $10.00
this week only $2.50!
written by Lori, happy TCL owner who's looking forward to seeing all the crafters who just realized how little time is left! ;)

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