Monday, June 13, 2022

A Tale of Three Markets


This past week I attended my first Bashaw Farmer's Market. What a beautiful spot, surrounded by trees, and all the customers got to walk on the grass. My first official customer was one of my former employees so we got to catch up on things IRL (for those of you who don't do shorthand that means "in real life") instead of just on Facebook which was refreshing.

I also made the decision this week that I will only be attending Ponoka once a week and that will be on Monday evenings at the Community Market at the old library 3-7pm. For those of you who could only attend the Wednesday morning Farmer's Market 10-1pm, I do apologize, but I'm out here doing the rounds to make money, not just socialize.

And, finally, I am really looking forward to the Innisfail Market on Main starting next Tuesday, June 21 3-7pm. I hope to see a few faces that have been missing me (and vice versa) because I know I have a few Innisfail and area customers in my database.

And, of course, I'm looking forward to seeing everybody rain or shine this coming week.

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