Monday, May 31, 2021

Surprise, Surprise! Y’all Wanna Pet the Yarn!

 Honestly it’s no surprise at all. What’s the point of yarn shopping when there’s no way to tell if your skin or someone else’s is going to love being wrapped up in your fibre of choice? Seriously everybody wanted to pet this shawl I was working on between customers.

Sadly this means I will be searching for new venues for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Until Stettler moves their market outdoors (or lets me park outdoors while the other vendors remain indoors) I will be looking for another Tuesday outdoor alternative. Stettler moved their market outdoors! Woohoo! And until I fit into the 20% of retail vendors, Leduc is out. Sad really, because I have loyal customers in both areas. They just don’t want kits.

In the meantime, you guys have been showing up at Wetaskiwin, Lacombe and Red Deer. See? Yarn petting is a real thing 😁 and the yarns you get to pet this week are all man made fibres - mostly acrylic (the quality kind) and some polyester/nylon blends. My patterns will also be making an appearance again this week along with knitting looms which I haven’t had room to display up until this week.

So everyone come out and enjoy the weather and a little yarn petting this week.

Written by Lori, happy TCL owner, who looks forward to seeing each and every one of you in the pop up store.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Typical May Long Weekend Weather

 Whether you consider it a global warming crisis or just the Earth breathing like it has for the past thousands or millions of years, the old saying 'April showers bring May flowers' feels a little different the past few years. It has snowed well into May and despite Mother Nature's best efforts to discourage them, the vegetables in the garden and the flowers in their beds are growing. As if to thumb its nose at Mother Nature, the crabapple tree in the back yard has created its own snow cover, all untouched by the low overnight temperatures.

Why do I bring this up on a yarn store's blog page? This weather has affected us all. Whether it is stabilizing or de-stabilizing our mood or solidifying our desire to stay indoors or venture out for a brisk walk, one thing is certain. This cool, almost fall-like weather, has a lot of us wanting to knit or crochet.

Surprisingly, since the Farmer's Markets opened earlier this month, more people are roaming the outdoor markets than are enjoying the more sheltered indoor ones. That makes me happy because the pop up store delivers so much more bang for the customers' buck when they can actually pet the yarn. 😀

Speaking of yarn, this week we will be focusing on sock yarns and merino roving.

written by Lori, happy TCL owner, who's looking forward to warmer days ahead.

Monday, May 17, 2021

This Week - a Hybrid!

This week I get to try something a little different with the pop up store. So far, I've been indoors with my kits in Stettler and outdoors with the full service rv in Wetaskiwin. This Thursday I get to set up my indoor layout outside under the awning of the rv at Leduc. Thankfully, that means I won't have to carry everything as far as I normally do and it will be nice to be out in the fresh air with everyone else.

I don't mind making up the kits and selling my patterns and yarn that way but the people who visit the markets where I do that to fit into the 'handmade' 80% miss the weekly changes in the retail setup in the rv.

I mean, just look at the needle and hook selection alone!

For those of you who will be joining me at Wetaskiwin (on Wednesday) and Red Deer (on Saturday), the offerings will include cotton, cotton blends, bamboo blends, silk and most of the Berroco lines I have in stock. And let me tell you how happy I am that I have from Saturday afternoon to Tuesday morning to swap out the products every week! I got a head start this week because I still had Friday and Saturday free. I won't be so fortunate for the next few months.

written by Lori, sleepy TCL owner, who hopes to see you at one of the four locations this week.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Quick Update

 Good afternoon to my popup shoppers! Lakedell Farmer's Market is currently at its maximum for retail vendors so will not be there for the forseeable future. I will keep you posted if anything changes. Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 10, 2021

Week Two of The Popup Store Live

 Good Monday morning 😀 I hope everyone celebrated a safe and happy Mother’s Day.

The market season is just getting started and, as I write this, I am still not sure how the new restrictions will affect the markets going forward. I am scheduled to be in Stettler on Tuesday, Wetaskiwin on Wednesday, and Lakedell on Friday. If I don’t hear from organizers, I will head to those locations and post to Facebook when I get there/set up. (May 14 - Heard from Lakedell. They are retail full until further notice.)

What I know for sure is that, if the markets are a go, there will be restricted access - especially if the market is indoors due to weather. Thankfully, I am prepared for both indoor and outdoor markets, although I prefer my outdoor setup. The indoor setup, while chock full of kits including my personal patterns, looks mighty sparse.

There are more markets scheduled each week going forward until they’re pretty much in full swing by midJune.

Stay happy and healthy and see you soon at a market near you!

written by Lori, happy TCL owner, who - like the rest of us - can’t wait for things to get better. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Markets, Here We Come! (update)

As mentioned in the last blog, there may be some updates as soon as I hear something new.

Well, I've heard some things new. The updates are highlighted below.

MONDAYS - will most likely be my personal day and / or the day I teach classes at the Lacombe Performing Arts Centre. COVID has me owing them a few.

TUESDAYS - starting May 4, then every OTHER week, you will find me at the Stettler Agriplex 4-7pm. That's right. Stettler will be every week this season.

WEDNESDAYS - I will (tentatively) be at the Ponoka Curling Club in the morning (10am - 1pm) starting June 2 but that has not yet been confirmed at the time of publication.

In the afternoon (3-7pm), I will be found at the Wetaskiwin Ag Grounds starting May 12.

THURSDAYS - I will be plying my wares in Leduc from 10am to 1:30pm (starting date May 20).

In the afternoon (4-7pm), I will be parked at the Downtown Camrose Market starting June 10.

FRIDAYS - I will be at the Lacombe Farmer's Market 9am - 1pm starting May 21.

In the afternoon (4-7pm), I will be at the Lakedell Market, in Westerose, starting May 14. They are currently at retail max.

SATURDAYS - starting May 22, I will be rounding off my week with a visit to The Market at Red Deer 8am - 12:30pm.

SUNDAYS - I don't care how many markets are open on Sunday, that is the day I and mine go to church so you won't find the store at a market.

Stettler, Camrose and Wetaskiwin are year round markets. Depending on the popularity of the kits, I may choose to continue those through the winter, driving conditions permitting. I am really looking forward to getting out and reacquainting myself with my customers again. Hope to see you soon!

written by Lori, eager TCL owner, who wants you on the lookout for this RV!