Canadians travel more over the three or four months of spring/summer/fall than we do over the winter months. We travel to family gatherings, summer weddings, holidays - even a weekend getaway. This past week the staff of The Crafty Lady have had a couple of people looking specifically for a project to work on while travelling.
Families volunteer to host a gathering when most of it can be outside and informal. While travelling is a great time to visit craft shops outside your area and some airlines are now allowing people to take projects along on a flight.
While someone else is driving - crafty people finish projects or make great headway on a current project. These create fabulous opportunities for you to display your newly completed project and show off your skills.
While someone else is driving - crafty people finish projects or make great headway on a current project. These create fabulous opportunities for you to display your newly completed project and show off your skills.
These are also great opportunities for the shutter-bug the family to take those photos you do not want posted to Facebook, or displayed Period.
People love to see the picture of a grandfather teaching a youngster to make a willow whistle, how to recognize deer prints versus dog prints or a grandmother playing with the grandchildren, or making the cookies as grandchildren spill something all over the last batch of cookies.
Several years ago, as I was taking the last batch out of the oven - counters still covered in flour - my granddaughter jumped onto the counter to get out the glasses for juice . . . kicked the jug of orange juice - Well you can image whether or not I can even read the page in that cookbook. Getting the glue created with orange juice and flour off the counters took weeks. I found it in the most unusual places and it was so easy to remove.
People love to see the picture of a grandfather teaching a youngster to make a willow whistle, how to recognize deer prints versus dog prints or a grandmother playing with the grandchildren, or making the cookies as grandchildren spill something all over the last batch of cookies.
Several years ago, as I was taking the last batch out of the oven - counters still covered in flour - my granddaughter jumped onto the counter to get out the glasses for juice . . . kicked the jug of orange juice - Well you can image whether or not I can even read the page in that cookbook. Getting the glue created with orange juice and flour off the counters took weeks. I found it in the most unusual places and it was so easy to remove.
Family photos create memories we treasure for generations. Having inherited a number of photos of ancestors I cannot put a name to, please carefully label all of your older photos. How many of you had a child or grandchild say "That's not you, Grandma, it couldn't be - you sure have changed." Not the most flattering thing to hear as we all tend to think we are aging very well.
As a grandmother, I have been told this is the year of the sparkle! There is sparkle nail polish, sparkle hair clips, sparkle flipflops, sparkle dresses, sparkle eye-shadow . . . wherever someone can put sparkle, there it is. I am surprised at the amount of sparkle some brides want on their wedding dresses.
Some projects with sparkle are very complex, others are quite simple. This week's special would make a really easy project for any person who loves needle work - and sparkles!! It is a cotton acrylic, polyester blend, so cool and easy to work with.
75% off
by Filatura Di Crosa
42% cotton, 41% acrylic, 17% polyester
Regular price $13.00
Sale $3.25
Posted by Anne Homenuk, very happy employee who loves sparkle and sunshine
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